Powerful OCR API

Transform documents with precision!

ocr api
ocr api for developers

Why Choose OCR API by ARKAPI?

Elevate your document processing with the OCR API by ARKAPI. Harness the ability to convert printed or handwritten text and images into machine-readable data effortlessly.

Key Features

Image OCR

Experience Image OCR like never before. Extract text and data from images within your documents, enabling you to digitize and search for content within images effortlessly. A world of possibilities awaits.

Handwriting OCR

Digitize handwritten content seamlessly with Handwriting OCR. Convert handwritten notes, forms, and documents into machine-readable text, making data retrieval and analysis a breeze.

Signature Detection OCR

Enhance your document security and compliance efforts with Signature Detection OCR. Identify and extract signatures within your documents, streamlining verification processes.

Custom OCR

Tailor OCR to your specific needs with Custom OCR. Customize the recognition process for specialized fonts, languages, or document layouts, ensuring accurate and efficient data extraction.

Text Extraction

This versatile tool can be a game-changer in industries like finance, healthcare, and legal, where efficient text extraction and data management are paramount. It allows you to not only recognize printed text within documents but also extract and organize that text for further analysis and data processing.

Table Extraction OCR

Simplify data extraction from tables in your documents. Table Extraction OCR recognizes and extracts tabular data, saving you valuable time that would otherwise be spent on manual data entry.


Use Cases for OCR API by ARKAPI

Automated Data Entry

Effortlessly automate data entry by converting printed or handwritten documents into machine-readable text. Reduce errors and save time.

Document Digitization

Digitize paper-based documents and archives, making them easily searchable and accessible in digital formats.

Content Extraction

Extract valuable data and information from documents, enabling content analysis, indexing, and search capabilities.

Signature Verification

Streamline signature verification processes by automatically detecting and extracting signatures from documents.

Generic FAQs

OCR API by ARKAPI leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning to deliver high accuracy in text and data recognition. However, accuracy may vary depending on factors such as the quality and clarity of the source document.

OCR API by ARKAPI supports a wide range of file formats, including PDF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and more. You can submit documents in various formats for OCR processing.

Absolutely. OCR API by ARKAPI is language-agnostic and supports recognition for a wide array of languages and scripts (for now just English and Turkish but a huge language packet is on the way). It’s a versatile tool for multilingual text recognition.

OCR API by ARKAPI is designed to handle complex document layouts, including multi-column text, headers, footers, and tables. It accurately recognizes text in diverse document structures.

Yes, OCR API by ARKAPI is proficient in recognizing text with varying fonts, styles, and sizes. It adapts to different text appearances to ensure accurate recognition.

Yes, data security is a top priority. OCR API by ARKAPI follows stringent security practices to protect your data during the recognition process. Your documents are processed securely and with privacy in mind.

Absolutely. OCR API by ARKAPI is designed to handle large volumes of documents efficiently. Whether you have a few documents or thousands, our OCR solution scales to meet your needs.

OCR API by ARKAPI is versatile and serves a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, legal, education, and more. Any sector that deals with paper-based or image-based documents can benefit from the text recognition capabilities of OCR API.

Yes, you can seamlessly integrate OCR API by ARKAPI into your existing applications, websites, or workflows. Our API is developer-friendly, offering easy integration through RESTful endpoints, SDKs, and comprehensive documentation.

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