Powerful Table Extraction OCR

Easily and accurately extract tabular data from any document!

Table Extraction ocr
Table Extraction ocr

What is Table Extraction OCR, Briefly?

Table Extraction OCR is a cutting-edge technology that empowers you to swiftly and precisely extract structured data from tables within documents. It simplifies the process of converting complex tables into usable and actionable data. It can help businesses convert scanned tables into digital tables and copy and use important information from forms automatically.

Key Features

Precision at its Best

Our Table Extraction OCR is renowned for its unmatched precision, ensuring that every data point within tables is extracted with the highest degree of accuracy.

Structured Data Output

Extracted tables are presented in a structured format, making integration into databases or analytical tools effortless. This feature streamlines data analysis and reporting.

Tailored Templates

Customize extraction templates to match the specific layout and format of your tables. This customization ensures consistent and accurate results, even for documents with varying structures.

Data Quality Assurance

Beyond extraction, our OCR performs rigorous data validation, minimizing errors in your records and reports. This commitment to data quality enhances the reliability of your information.


How Does Table Extraction OCR Work?

Intelligent Document Recognition

Simply upload your documents, and our OCR engine intelligently identifies tables within them. No more manual sorting or searching is required.

Precise Data Extraction

The technology meticulously extracts data from tables while preserving the integrity of rows and columns. Manual data entry has become a thing of the past.

Seamless Data Integration

Extracted data can be seamlessly integrated into various formats, ensuring compatibility with your preferred systems and workflows. This flexibility enhances operational efficiency across your organization.

Generic FAQs

Table Extraction OCR is versatile when it comes to image formats. It supports a variety of common formats, including png, jpg, jpeg, pdf, and tiff, ensuring you can work with your preferred image types seamlessly.

Absolutely. Table Extraction OCR is well-equipped to handle scanned PDFs with precision. In addition to PDFs, it extends its support to tiff formats, making it a reliable choice for extracting tables from different document types.

There are no specific limitations on image size or resolution when using Table Extraction OCR. However, it’s important to note that higher-resolution images generally lead to more accurate results. So, using high-resolution images is encouraged to achieve the best possible accuracy in table extraction.

Yes, the Table Extraction OCR process is designed to maintain the original order and layout of the text within the image. This ensures that the extracted tables closely resemble the structure of the original documents.

At the moment, Table Extraction OCR offers support for two languages: Turkish and English. We are actively working to expand language support in the near future, so stay tuned for updates on additional language capabilities.

The accuracy of Table Extraction OCR depends on the quality of the image being processed. Generally, higher-resolution images result in greater accuracy. Our OCR boasts an impressive accuracy rate exceeding 95%, making it a dependable choice for table extraction tasks.

Certainly. Our OCR is well-suited for handling complex documents, especially those containing tables, graphics, or diagrams. It excels at identifying and extracting tables while maintaining the correct order of rows and columns, ensuring accurate results even in intricate documents.

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