Experience the Custom OCR Revolution

ARKAPI’s custom OCR API makes it easy to train your own OCR model to recognize the specific types of text and images that are important to your business.

custom ocr
custom ocr

What is Custom OCR, Briefly?

Custom OCR is a cutting-edge technology for transforming paper-based data into digital assets effortlessly. By custom OCR you can train your own model in a few minutes to customize your solution!

Key Features

Tailored Precision

ARKAPI's Custom OCR offers unmatched precision, ensuring accurate text extraction according to your specific document layouts.

Versatility Unleashed

Recognize text in multiple languages and fonts, allowing you to work seamlessly across diverse documents.

Adaptable Templates

Customize OCR templates to match your document structure precisely, simplifying data capture for your unique use cases.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly integrate Custom OCR into your existing systems and applications, enhancing your workflow with ease.


How Does Custom OCR Work?

Template Creation

Begin by creating a custom OCR template that matches the layout of your documents, specifying the regions to extract text from.

Document Analysis

Custom OCR carefully analyzes each document, identifying and extracting text based on the template's guidelines.

Data Output

The extracted text is seamlessly converted into digital format, preserving formatting and layout, ready for your data processing needs.

Generic FAQs

A custom trainable OCR extraction service represents a specialized solution that empowers you to customize the OCR model to suit your unique document types and specific needs. It enables the OCR system to learn and accurately extract text from your specific documents, leading to improved precision and efficiency.

Certainly. The custom trainable OCR extraction service harnesses the power of machine learning algorithms to train the OCR model using a dataset composed of your specific document samples. Through this training process, known as “training,” the system acquires knowledge of the visual patterns and distinctive features within your documents, enabling it to proficiently extract text and pertinent information.

The versatility of the custom trainable OCR extraction service extends to various document types, encompassing invoices, receipts, forms, contracts, and documents unique to your business or industry. It boasts the capability to adapt and extract text from documents with distinct layouts, fonts, or formatting.

The accuracy achieved by the custom trainable OCR extraction service is contingent upon the quality and quantity of the training data you provide. With well-structured models and ample data, this service can attain elevated levels of accuracy, often surpassing conventional OCR solutions.

While the primary design of the custom trainable OCR extraction service caters to printed text recognition, it can indeed be trained to recognize specific types of handwritten text. However, it is important to note that handwritten text recognition may necessitate additional training and specialized techniques.

The training process generally entails furnishing the service with a representative dataset of your documents. This dataset serves as the medium for instructing the OCR model to accurately recognize and extract text. The service undergoes a series of training and validation iterations to optimize the model’s performance.

Absolutely, the custom trainable OCR extraction service can undergo training to proficiently manage multiple languages. By incorporating multilingual training data, the OCR model can accurately extract text from documents composed in various languages.

The frequency at which you should retrain the custom trainable OCR model hinges on several factors, including alterations in document formats or the introduction of new document types. Routine retraining may be essential to uphold optimal accuracy and adaptability to evolving document requisites.

Rest assured, safeguarding your data remains our utmost priority. Your training data is treated with the utmost confidentiality and adheres to industry-standard security protocols. We take every necessary precaution to shield your data throughout the training process.

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