PDF Encrypt API

Fortify your PDFs hassle-free!

Protect your sensitive PDF documents effortlessly with ARKAPI’s PDF Encrypt API. Experience robust encryption and control over your PDF files, ensuring they remain confidential and secure.

ocr api
ocr api

Why Choose PDF Encrypt API?

Encrypt & Decyrpt PDF service easily applies strong encryption algorithms to your PDF documents, preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding the contents. You will have the flexibility to specify encryption parameters such as password protection, permissions, and encryption strength, tailoring the security measures to your specific needs

In addition to encryption, our Decrypt PDF feature allows you to effortlessly remove encryption from PDF files when necessary. This ensures smooth collaboration and accessibility for authorized users without the need for encryption-related constraints.

Key Features

Bulletproof Encryption

Our PDF Encrypt API empowers you to apply encryption to your PDF files with ease. Keep your data safe from prying eyes and unauthorized access.

Flexible Encryption Settings

Tailor your encryption with precision. Specify encryption parameters, set password protection, define permissions, and choose encryption strength. Our API provides fine-grained control.

Decrypt with Ease

Need to remove encryption? No problem. PDF Encrypt API handles decryption swiftly, giving you the accessibility you need when it matters.

Integration Made Simple

Integrate PDF Encrypt API seamlessly into your workflow. Our user-friendly interface and extensive documentation make it effortless for developers of all levels.


How Does PDF Encrypt API Work?

Effortless Encryption

Start by specifying the PDF files you want to encrypt. Define encryption parameters, including password protection, permissions, and encryption strength. Our API takes care of the encryption process, safeguarding your PDF documents.

Flexible Decryption

When you need to remove encryption, PDF Encrypt API has you covered. Decrypt PDFs with ease, ensuring accessibility without compromising security.

Compliance and Security

Rest easy knowing that your PDFs are protected with industry-standard security practices. Our API employs strong encryption algorithms to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of your documents. Shield your PDFs with confidence using ARKAPI's PDF Encrypt API. Experience the power of secure, customizable encryption to safeguard your valuable data.

Generic FAQs

Certainly. The Encrypt and Decrypt PDF service provides a RESTful API that allows you to both encrypt and decrypt PDF files. You have the freedom to specify encryption parameters, such as password protection, permissions, and encryption strength. The service adeptly manages the encryption and decryption processes, ensuring the security and accessibility of your PDF documents.

The Encrypt and Decrypt PDF service boasts support for a range of encryption standards and algorithms, including the robust AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), available in both 128-bit and 256-bit encryption strengths. This guarantees compatibility with industry-standard security practices.

Absolutely. The Encrypt and Decrypt PDF service offers the functionality to set password protection for your encrypted PDF files. You can define a password that must be entered to access the content of the encrypted PDF, adding an extra layer of security.

Yes, with the Encrypt and Decrypt PDF service, you have the power to set permissions and restrictions for your encrypted PDF files. You can customize permissions, including the ability to print, copy text or images, modify the document, and more. This allows you to control precisely what actions can be performed on the encrypted PDF.

Absolutely, the encryption employed by the Encrypt and Decrypt PDF service is highly secure. It utilizes robust encryption algorithms and adheres to industry-standard security practices, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your PDF documents.

No, encrypted PDF files can only be decrypted by individuals who possess the correct password. The encryption applied by the service ensures that only authorized users with the password can access the content of the encrypted PDF, preserving its security.

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